Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
ParentId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
CustomerId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Name | string |
None. |
PhysicianName | string |
None. |
PhysicianPhone | string |
None. |
CustomerHealthImmunizationStatusId | integer |
None. |
IsTetanusShotNa | boolean |
None. |
TetanusShotDate | date |
None. |
InsuranceCompany | string |
None. |
InsurancePolicyNumber | string |
None. |
Medications | string |
None. |
HealthHistory | string |
None. |
DietaryRestrictions | string |
None. |
ActivityRestrictions | string |
None. |
HealthOther | string |
None. |
HealthAnswerOther | string |
None. |
LastModifiedBy | string |
None. |
LastModified | date |
None. |
HealthAnswers | Collection of CustomerHealthAnswerGetListResult |
None. |
CustomerContacts | Collection of CustomerContactInfo |
None. |
IsWaterSafe | boolean |
None. |
SchoolName | string |
None. |
ChildPickupInstructions | string |
None. |
ShirtSizeId | globally unique identifier |
None. |